Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ian's Story

    I told Ian that he had to make a story up about our trip to the dentist and the DMV and it kind of turned into a STORY instead of something REAL about yesterday...but I love where he went with it! And his drawing is great!!! :D
The words are... We wer going to the dantist and a pink angry brd was folloing us. he meant We were going to the dentist and a pink angry bird was following us.  I helped him when he got frustrated with words but for the most part he wrote it all by himself...and sounded out the words all by himself! I'm so proud!!!   To explain the picture...our car is the colorful one...and he is driving toward the dentist (far right side) the black thing on it is a tooth...he has also been learning time so he wrote that on there...and that pink angry bird is toward the left there.   (You can click on the picture to see it better)

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